News Plastech

StarLite-R Nitro - Sidel's newest, bottle base

StarLite-R Nitro - Sidel's newest, bottle base

StarLITE-R Nitro bottle base offers manufacturers of nitrogen-dosed still beverages and edible oils increased creative scope, greater sustainable manufacturing, and proven performance.

PRSE 2024: The future of plastics recycling

PRSE 2024: The future of plastics recycling

GreenDot presents a comprehensive range of high-quality plastic recyclates / Major advances in mechanical recycling, first projects and international network for advanced recycling.

Mondi takes sustainable mono-material packaging

Mondi takes sustainable mono-material packaging

Mondi's WalletPack is a polypropylene (PP) based mono-material packaging, designed for recycling and successfully replacing previously used multi-material non-recyclable plastic packaging.

High-performance fillers improve the properties of packaging films

High-performance fillers improve the properties of packaging films

Customers often want to see what they are buying, so in addition to mechanical properties, optical properties also play a major role in packaging films. Additives based on natural minerals are ideal for positively influencing the desired properties of plastic films.