ECHA launches new chemicals database
ECHA CHEM is the new solution to share with the public the growing amount of information hosted by the Agency.
ECHA CHEM is the new solution to share with the public the growing amount of information hosted by the Agency.
Digital solutions by Engel support injection moulders along the entire value added process in their production.
Formnext has hit the ground running in 2023 with the highest number of registrations to date. By the end of February, more than 550 companies had signed up to attend the world's leading trade show for AM technologies and next-generation manufacturing; 62% of them from outside Germany.
Sirmax and Smart Mold will be offering a series of webinars titled Advances in the numerical simulation of injection molding.
The cable specialist MD Elektronik knows how important digital data streams are and equipped two new KraussMaffei machines with socialProduction for production monitoring.
The Engel customer portal provides an overview of the entire injection moulding production, independently of the location, and reduces the time for accessing the Engel world for processors.
Sidel is helping to make the circular economy a reality by joining R-Cycle, the open tracing standard for sustainable plastic packaging.
Engel is expanding its cooperation with the KIMW institute (Kunststoff-Institut Lüdenscheid) in the training area.
Vecoplan has completely redesigned its Internet site. The machine manufacturer offers visitors significant added value with its informative and highly interesting site content.
The exhibits that Arburg has prepared for Plastpol 2022 in Kielce, Hall E, Stand E-30, from 24 to 27 May, cover the entire spectrum of modern injection moulding production.
Find the best packaging solution in no time at all: The g guide, Gerresheimer’s brand-new digital product selector, is now available on the Gerresheimer website.
Fanuc is adding the new digital service Fanuc Assisted Reality (FAR) to its service offering in Europe. With this, the company wants to support customers as fully as possible, even in times of travel restrictions and distance rules.