Amaplast annual Member Assembly highlights

Industry figures

According to the results of the third edition of the National Statistical Survey conducted by the Mecs-Amaplast Statistical Studies Centre, the plastics and rubber processing technology industry closed the year 2022 with revenues of 4.35 billion euros, the second highest ever, for an 8.1% increase over 2021.

The main factor in this achievement was exports, which recorded a further upturn toward the end of the year and a total value exceeding the threshold of 3 billion euros (3.16 to be precise, +8.5% over 2021).

In detail, exports by Italian manufacturers – which represent 72.7% of total production – show sustained growth toward the main geographical zones: EU (+8%), North America (+6.6%), non-EU Europe (+8%), and the Far East (+9%).

As regards exported product categories, extrusion systems hold the lead, bringing in 20.8% of the entire Italian business volume (up 13.7% over 2021), followed by auxiliaries (13.7%), and injection machines (9.5%), with the remaining categories collectively amounting to 24.2%.

The domestic market grew by 6.8% with respect to 2021, with a business volume exceeding 1.18 billion euros.

The top 3 client sectors are packaging (40.6% of total revenues), automotive (15.9%) and construction (11%).

The year 2023 opened for the entire Western industrial complex in a relatively uncertain climate, both due to the fact that the post-Covid rebound was less pronounced than hoped and because of the continuing conflict in Ukraine. This situation is further compounded by rising interest rates and inflation, which have depressed global demand. However, there is a strong sense of optimism among manufacturers of plastics and rubber processing machinery, equipment, and moulds, well above the level suggested by economic indicators: 39% of interviewees expect further improvements in results for 2023, 43% expect stability, while only 18% expressed a pessimistic outlook.


Plast 2023

The plastics and rubber industry will be gathering at the Fiera Milano fairgrounds in Rho from 5 to 8 September: Plast, the international exhibition for plastics and rubber industries. Organized by Promaplast srl, Amaplast service company, the event focuses on plastics and rubber processing technologies and materials. Expectations are riding high for one of the keystone fairs with over 1,200 exhibitors, many of them appearing for the first time and approximately one third coming from other countries.

The international stature of the exhibition - taking place five years after the previous edition due to the delay inflicted by the pandemic - is further affirmed by the return of the Chinese and Iranian collectives, and the debut of their French counterpart.

There will also be a major presence of foreign delegations: 30 countries from all parts of the world have already registered for the incoming buyers programme, organized with the support of ICE-Agenzia.

Promaplast has also signed a synergy agreement with Ipack-Ima to boost promotion of Plast among operators in the packaging sector, one with close ties to the plastics industry, with close to 40% of demand coming from the packaging industry.

The three satellite fairs dedicated to three related sectors will be hosted again at the 2023 edition of Plast: 3D Plast (focusing on additive manufacturing and associated technologies), Rubber (as the name suggests), and Plast-Mat (dedicated to innovative polymers).

This year’s fair will feature a new layout with demo areas outfitted with operational production lines and spaces for company presentations. In parallel, The Innovation Alliance - a partnership between Plast, Ipack-Ima, Print4all, and Intralogistica Italia - proposes a new concept: in response to the upheaval in tradeshow calendars caused by the pandemic, the organizational teams are hard at work on a new interpretation of the initiative, with sub-events focusing on specific issues of current relevance in the various sectors, thus consolidating the message of a harmonious interoperating value chain.

The calendar of side events - conferences, workshops, and exhibitor press conferences - is still in the development phase but the organization team is working to offer visitors many significant novelties.

