Compare Business Directory packages

Available Packages: Business Start Business Plus Business Premium
Full contact details: 
Company profile description: 
B2B trade offers adding:  up 5 no limit no limit
Active link to firm page: 
Adding of B2B trade offers including company logo: 
Images included in the company presentation:  2 20
Your company logo will be displayed in a rotation cycle on the portal's homepage: 
Attaching your company to main Business Directory catalogue subcategory:  1 5 10
Positioning in Business Directory, B2B Marketplace and internet search engines: 
Full screen Firm Presentation: 
Activity description up 10 pages: 
Subdomain similar to:
Exemplary presentations Start Plus Premium
Annual Fee:  €0,00 €144,00/year €374,00/year
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The above mentioned prices do not include the VAT tax.