PAM option: automated adjustment of coextrusion adapter and die
Precise, autonomous, mechatronic - with the PAM option, Reifenhäuser Cast Sheet Coating will demonstrate at Plastindia how flat film producers can fully automate the adjustment of coextrusion adapter and die. In the past, this was mostly done manually. This enables faster start-up of production, higher output, and improved overall equipment efficiency (OEE). Scrap and material usage are significantly reduced. Once recipes have been set, they can be stored and recalled at any time. They can therefore be reproduced exactly - even by inexperienced line operators.
At the heart of the PAM system are motorized screwdrivers which profile the film layers on the coextrusion adapter automatically with high precision and set and control the die flex lip. Depending on the die design, it is also possible to adjust the dust bar, width, and lip opening automatically by adjusting the lower die lip. The PAM option is exclusively available for the Reifenhäuser Coextrusion Adapter Pro, the only coextrusion system on the market that allows profiling of individual layers while the line is running. For flat dies, PAM is available as an optional feature for Reifenhäuser dies and also as a retrofit option for third-party systems.
Benjamin Pott, Sales Manager at Reifenhäuser Cast Sheet Coating, explains, "The PAM option is a unique solution on the market to enable producers to achieve enormous increases in line efficiency. It can be selected independently for coextrusion adapters and dies - but in combination, the automated components develop their full potential." The Reifenhäuser Group, one of the few machine builders on the market, manufactures all hot parts in-house - extruder, coextrusion system, and die. With this hot part competence, Reifenhäuser can design all process-related interfaces to match each other perfectly - PAM takes the whole thing to a new level.

PAM option for flat dies.
High-barrier film for tubes in only one process step
At Plastindia, the Cast Sheet Coating business unit will introduce a sustainable production process for PE-rich recyclable high-barrier film for tubes. These types of film are mainly used in oral or beauty care products. In the past this required several lamination and conversion steps upstream of the tube manufacturing process.
The new Reifenhäuser single step flat film coextrusion process simplifies production and increases productivity by outputs up to 80% higher than other technologies. The process also offers significant cost savings by reducing EVOH layer thickness by up to 30% while maintaining the necessary barrier properties. The properties of the film ensure seamless integration into established processing methods and thus a short time to market.
Reifenhäuser at Plastindia 2023: Hall 4H-FP, Booth C D 20