“Questions? Get the answers at Fakuma 2024!”

Materials, Processes, Energy: the Focus is on Efficiency!

Efficiency will be a key topic at Fakuma 2024 - on several levels and from a variety of perspectives. Increased efficiency in terms of materials and energy consumption is crucial, as are process efficiency and the efficient operation of production systems, because in light of the current shortages of qualified personnel, consistently high levels of quality can only be achieved reliably with easy-to-use control systems and digital assistance. As a result of the new Energy Efficiency Act, German plastics processors will be challenged to a much greater extent to realise their full potential. Fakuma exhibitors will provide tools and solutions for the challenges of efficiency, the conservation of resources and sustainability. - There’s lots to be done - come to Fakuma and get the answers you’re looking for! - exclaims Dr. Christoph Schumacher with reference to the plastics processor’s routine daily work.

The overall focus of Fakuma is thus on digitalisation, automation, flexibility, energy efficiency and sustainability. The establishment of closed-loop material flows, product optimisation targeted at recycling and the processing of recyclates for high-end applications will also be at the top of the agenda in 2024. Innovations in the field of injection moulding technology are being eagerly awaited - systems with all-electric drives that make machines flexible and powerful, and raise them to a new level of efficiency. Traditionally, impressive injection moulding machines have always been fascinating eye-catchers and crowd-pullers.

Recycling and Circular Economy are Becoming Increasingly Concrete

Fakuma is advancing a significant development: holistic product conceptualisation and the promotion of recycling and degradability. Design for recycling - this goal is taking shape to an ever-greater extent. Future-proof solutions for packaging, recycling compounds and alternatives to metal are therefore just as much in focus at the trade fair as machines for grinding and crushing, cooling systems and energy-efficient mould temperature control technology, systems for process monitoring and data acquisition, as well as innovations from the field of industrial 3D printing. The increasing use of renewable instead of fossil-based raw materials will be a further topic for discussion as well.

All plastics processors and users are cordially invited: the industry sector is looking forward to meeting again in Friedrichshafen with many further developments and future-oriented solutions at the 29th Fakuma from the 15th through the 19th of October, 2024.
