Arburg Technology Days 2018

Open system for industrial additive manufacturing

One of the major advantages of the APF process is that Freeformer customers can use the open system to qualify their own original materials and optimise the freely programmable process parameters specifically for their respective application. All of this process data can be stored and analysed and designs can be optimised in a short time to produce prototypes and functional components quickly and economically using the Freeformer. The better the process is adjusted, the better the quality of the component. Mechanical stress tests show that adapted process control can achieve component densities of up to 95 percent and tensile strengths of up to 97 percent compared to injection moulding.

Specialist presentation by the Technical University in Munich

An external speaker from the Technical University of Munich, Andreas Schröffler is giving specialist presentation in German and English each day during the Technology Days 2018. He sheds light on how important component parameters can be specifically influenced by exploring of new build strategies and how this affects the build time, dimensional accuracy and surface quality of additively manufactured functional components.

Arburg Prototyping Center

Visitors can gain an impression of the advances made in Arburg Plastic Freeforming at the Technology Days 2018. Seven Freeformers are being used to manufacture functional components from original materials, including PP and, for the first time, PMMA in an additive manufacturing process. Photo: ARBURG