On Thursday, 1 December, 2022, Environment Minister Thekla Walker (Mem-ber of the State Assembly) presented the prizes and certificates to the 22 companies that had made it to the finalists to the renowned 2022 Environment Award of the State of Baden-Württemberg. Carolin Grimbacher, Valeska Haux and Lisa-Marie Schmidberger accepted the award for Südpack in the category “Industrial companies with more than 250 employees” - as one of seven companies.
For the 20th time, this coveted environment award for companies’ outstanding ecological and climate protection achievements, as well as sustainable management, was presented by the State of Baden-Württemberg. This year, Südpack impressed with its comprehensive sustainability roadmap, its projects focusing on operational environmental protection and, most particularly, with its achievements made in sustainability in the field of internal material management and reached the finals.
Each year with the award, the discriminating panel of representatives from business organizations, research institutions, environmental and conservation associations, trade unions and LUBW Landesanstalt für Umwelt, as well as the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and Energy Sector honors the different innovative approaches taken by companies in terms of sustainability. To participate, all applicants must not only meet a wide variety of requirements, but also complete an extensive application marathon with intense discussions and site tours.
The good ranking in the category “Industrial companies with more than 250 employees” is an honor that Carolin Grimbacher, Managing Partner of the company group, is particularly pleased about. Because “for many years, we have invested heavily in our structures, in processes and in technologies in order to keep existing plastics in the cycle and to recycle them in a meaningful way. Our internal material management with in-house regranulation and com-pounding, as well as our involvement in Carboliq, a pioneering technology for chemical recycling, are key components of our sustainability strategy. The fact that we have come so far in the Environment Award is therefore a well-earned reward for us as well as an incentive for future projects.”
The prices and certificates were presented to the winners and nominated companies during a festive ceremony in the White Hall of the New Palace in Stuttgart during the afternoon of 1 December. Südpack was represented by Carolin Grimbacher as well as Valeska Haux, Vice President Strategic Marketing, and Lisa-Marie Schmidberger, Manager CSR & Sustainability. The team was accompanied by Mr. Andreas Denzel, mayor of the town of Ochsenhausen.

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