First edition of RePlast Eurasia Plastic Recycling Technologies and Raw Materials Fair, which focused solely on Plastic Recycling Technology and Raw Materials, brought together key players of the recycling industry in Istanbul, Turkiye. The exhibition visited 8253 visitors from 85 coutries. Recycling companies from various countries, including China, Russia, the Netherlands, Germany, Saudi Arabia, the United States, Japan and Azerbaijan, participated in the fair. On the first day of the fair, the Pagçev Plastic Recycling Congress was held, and the winners of the Pagçev Plastic Recycling Awards competition, evaluated by a distinguished jury in 7 different categories, were awarded.
Registrations open for RePlast 20215
Supported by the European Plastics Converters (EuPC), the RePlast Eurasia Fair attracted numerous brands from international markets, with particular interest from Europe and other parts of the world.
Speaking about the fair, EUPC Managing Director Bernard Merx stated, “The largest exhibition we have in Europe that is in the Netherlands, where I come from, attracted 8600 visitors after 7 years of starting , but RePlast Eurasia attracted 8253 visitor in its first year. This is clear sign for future. We are happy to support this wonderfull event and woud continue to contribute to developing the global recycling industry, especially when it comes to the quality of recycled materials."
The president of Petcore Europe, Antenello Ciotti, speaking at the opening of the fair, stated, “Istanbul is always a fanstastic city and I am happy to good business and leisure memories here. We have to work together for a circular economy . This is exhibition will help these goals:"
With Green Transition Turkiye will become a global center for recycling
With the Green Deal Roadmap, waste has become a strategic raw material not only for European countries but also for the whole world. Turkiye, which has a high population & tourism, generates high amounts of plastic waste, and liberal waste import policies has good access to plastic waste supply for recycling. All sectors are competing with each other to access recycled raw materials to fulfill their recycled content targets. Turkiye is the hub for both plastics recycling raw materials and also recycling technology.
Pagçev Plastic Recycling Conference and Award Ceremony Held
Highlighting the need for Turkiye to take a proactive role in green transition, Yavuz Eroğlu President of Pagçev organiser of RePlast continued, "In the Green Transition, where opportunities and risks coexist, as Pagçev Green Transition and Technology Association, we aimed to pave the way in the changing and evolving new trade paradigm by hosting the RePlast Eurasia Plastic Recycling and Raw Materials Fair. In addition to our RePlast Eurasia Fair, we also held our Pagçev Plastic Recycling Conference. Within the conference, international brands and important sector leaders like Unilever, Coca Cola, Nestle, Bandera, Ford Otosan, Oyak Renault, Stellantis Tofas, Petcore Europe, and EUPC were among the speakers, and they shared their respective visions for the future and discussed new legislation as well as inovations in the industry. The first Pagçev Plastic Recycling Award Ceremony was also held during the exhibition.
Replast Eurasia - fair of the plastic recycling raw materials & technology, will grow exponentially in 2025
Stating that waste is an economic value and emphasizing the need to establish systems that encourage consumers to recycle, Eroğlu said, "Today, finding plastic waste for recycling is quite difficult, and this process will become increasingly difficult. The solution to reducing the dependency on fossil sources and protecting the environment is to recycle waste. In the near future, waste wars will be fought between countries to find enough Plastic waste. Many brands from different sectors will compete to access recycled raw materials. RePlast Eurasia Plastic Recycling and Raw Materials Fair is The exhibition for finding competitive, good-quality recycled raw materials and technology."
The RePlast Eurasia Plastic Recycling and Raw Materials Fair, the Specialized Fair of the Plastic Recycling, will open its doors to visitors for the second time on May 8-10, 2025, in Istanbul, Turkiye.