K in Düsseldorf – 70 Years of the World’s No.1 Trade Fair for the Plastics and Rubber Industry

The Specials of K 2022

Official special show Plastics shape the future

The special show "Plastics shape the future" in Hall 6 will demonstrate how crucial plastics are for a sustainable future. It will show which fascinating developments are already taking place today and that the visions for tomorrow are just on their way to becoming reality. Seven focus days will be held - with discussions on innovative technologies, impulse lectures, entertaining demonstrations of lighthouse projects and exciting experimental shows. The special show will also address economic, ecological and socio-political aspects and present solutions to problems the plastics industry has to deal with. The special show will be a project of the German plastics industry under the auspices of PlasticsEurope Deutschland e. V. and Messe Düsseldorf.

Circular Economy Forum

A Circular Economy Forum will again be held at K this year. In the outdoor area between Halls 10 and 16, the VDMA (German Engineering Federation) as organiser and 13 of its member companies will demonstrate the pivotal importance of technology in the implementation of circular economy in the plastics industry. With machines running, visitors can see how plastic waste is converted into high-quality regranulates or how recyclates are processed into attractive, highly functional and recyclable products through various processing methods.

Start-up Zone

The Start-Up Zone will celebrate its premiere at this year's K. Start-ups are young, creative, flexible and particularly stand out with their innovative solutions. So what better fit for K 2022, The World’s No. 1 Trade Fair for Plastics&Rubber, than to offer a dedicated presentation area to newcomers specialised in the development of innovative products and solutions revolving around plastics and rubber? And this is precisely what K 2022 will be doing with the new Start-up Zone in Hall 8b of the Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre at K from 19 to 26 October 2022. Eleven companies will participate in the Start-up Zone.

Science Campus

Firmly established at K is the Science Campus. This year, everything will revolve around the direct dialogue between research and industry. There will be 25 exhibitors with exciting innovations and research results for the plastics and rubber industry. Among them will be renowned universities, colleges and scientific institutes, such as various Fraunhofer Institutes, the Technical University of Dresden, Tomas Bata University Zlin, Czech Republic and Wageningen University&Research, Netherlands.

Plastics Business Breakfasts

The Bio Plastics Business Breakfasts will be held in form of are three mini-conferences from 20 to 21 October, each from 8 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., with different focus topics concerning bioplastics.

K 2022 Düsseldorf will be open daily from Wednesday, 19 October, to Wednesday, 26 October, from 10.00 to 18.30.

imagine tomorrow

photos: Messe Düsseldorf