An interview with Ralf Pasker, EAE Managing Director

An interview with Ralf Pasker… Continuing tradition from previous years, IV International ETICS (External Thermal Insulation Composite System) Conference was held in May in Ożarów Mazowiecki near Warsaw (Poland). During the fourth edition of meetings with experts from the field of thermal insulation, organised by SSO (Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Systemów Ociepleń – Association for Thermal Insulation Systems), participants were looking for the best solutions for effective support of thermal insulation industry. During the conference we met Mr. Ralf Pasker, Managing Director at European Association for ETICS.

EAE is the voice of the ETICS industry in Europe to grow the market for energy efficient building solutions, contributing to a brighter future for the world.

Together with all relevant stakeholders the association helps shape regulation to preserve and develop reliable building quality. EAE will do this by aiming for a common framework for the European ETICS market. This will generate jobs and welfare, protect our environment, make life more comfortable and allow for attractive buildings.

Jacek Leszczyński
