Pioneering facility management
The Training Center came into being on its 13,700 square metres of ground within three years: following the preparatory work in March 2017, the groundbreaking ceremony took place in July 2017 and the first training courses are set to be held from May 2020 onwards. In addition to the training facilities, the usable space on the site accommodates administrative open-plan offices with up to 160 potential workstations over two floors. Not only that, but an area of 750 square metres on the fourth floor is also home to the Arburg Health Center, a facility that helps employees benefit from simple, free, holistic solutions for promoting and maintaining health, with the support of two sports therapists.
Aesthetic appeal, functionality and careful use of resources
As well as housing 13,700 square metres of usable space, the Training Center extends to a height of no less than 31 metres. The architectural features of the new building resemble those of the Customer Center, which was inaugurated in 2009. “Incorporating lots of different functions into a building usually results in highly complex plans and structures”, said architect Siegfried Schmelzle from the firm Schmelzle+Partner, adding that this kind of approach is fairly typical of Arburg buildings. One example, he pointed out, is the projecting section at the Arthur-Hehl-Strasse side of the building, where a conscious effort has been made to continue the linear theme established by the multi-purpose building – a design that has already been incorporated into the Customer Center. “The whole ensemble along Arthur-Hehl-Strasse now consists of three buildings: the Customer Center, the multi-purpose building and the new Training Center”, explained Schmelzle.
Impressive dimensions
The cantilevered section of the building located on the second floor and beyond reaches just under nine metres in height, while the section that projects over Arthur-Hehl-Strasse rises to 13 metres. The sheer immensity of the scale required double-T steel beams measuring 1.80 metres high, 1.80 metres wide, 25 metres long and 79 tonnes in weight. The Training Center’s glass façade is yet another highlight of its structure, with a total glass surface (including the aluminium lining) of approximately 7,200 square metres and curved panes on the ground floor.
The Training Center is also a shining example of resources and energy being used prudently. The double-glazed facade complies with the latest specifications set out in the German Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV), and the building makes excellent use of Arburg’s proven building air-conditioning concept, which harnesses low temperatures and provides a complete air-conditioning solution. As with all the company’s buildings, the Training Center collects rainwater and uses it for the sanitation facilities and watering the outdoor areas. Waste heat from production is also used to heat the courtyard spaces. “It wasn’t possible to do this with asphalt previously”, said Schmelzle, “but Arburg came up with a really innovative solution in this case too, developing an entirely new system and constructing it for the first time.”
Usable space doubled in 20 years
Looking back on the structural developments that Schmelzle+Partner and Arburg have achieved over the years, Schmelzle added: “We received our first commission in 1998, when the company had approximately 95,000 square metres of usable space. Once the assembly hall that’s currently under construction has been completed, that will grow to more than 200,000 square metres - which means that Arburg has more than doubled the size of its Lossburg site in the space of two decades.” Calling this achievement an unbelievable success story, Schmelzle expressed what a privilege it was for both his firm and the companies involved in the construction to play a part, and thanked the Hehl and Keinath families for the opportunity.

Friday, 6 March 2020 marked the opening ceremony of Arburg’s new Training Center with 170 guests at the company’s headquarters in Lossburg. “This is a building of the future, where customers can take advantage of the industry’s latest training resources”, stated Arburg Managing Partner Michael Hehl.