Stadler: the secret of accurate commissioning and timely project delivery

Stadler’s secret to smooth and timely commissioning

Careful planning based on Stadler’s experience is a key factor in its ability to consistently deliver on time. “First of all, we only provide delivery dates we know we can achieve,” says Benjamin Eule, Director, Stadler UK and Head of Commissioning. “The final delivery is not only the timely installation, but also the commissioning of the facility to go into production. We work with realistic time schedules, and we allow sufficient time for each stage.”

Stadler’s in-house capabilities are also an important factor, as Benjamin Eule explains: “As we have in-house teams for mechanical installation and electrical planning, installation and Process Control Programming, we can control and manage the delivery schedules. We also have quicker internal communication and greater flexibility to adjust the work requirements across multiple projects.” Carlos Manchado Atienza adds: “All the preparation work in detailed and construction engineering helps us in manufacturing and gives us an advantage when preparing the assembly.

The clear roles and effective collaboration of the local and Head Office teams are crucial, as Carlos Manchado Atienza states: “Coordination and planning between the different departments are key. The good work of the sales teams with the basic engineering, followed by the Head Office’s work in detailed and construction engineering give us a competitive advantage. The professionalism of everyone involved and knowing our teams well – from sales and project management to production and assembly – gives us the security to trust the deadlines we have set.”

Ricardo Micó, Stadler Assembly Manager Spain, agrees: “For us, respecting the project milestones is key, as well as the effective coordination of all Stadler departments to meet our clients’ needs. This gives us unmatched strength in working with our clients’ full confidence.”  


A reputation for quality work and timely commissioning

Environmental services provider PreZero has contracted Stadler on several projects, turning to the company again and again for its reliability: “There are always challenges and unforeseen events; Stadler adapts and is flexible; if necessary, their assembly team will work weekends, holidays, nights – on occasion they have even doubled resources to deliver on the agreed day,” says Ventura Montes. “If it’s a large-scale project or an upgrade is expected to be difficult, we always try to work with Stadler.”

Stadler recently designed and built the sorting and recycling plant in Almonacid del Marquesado, Spain, for Griño Group. “The project coincided with the final stages of the coronavirus pandemic, so it was necessary to manage very well the resources and materials needed for the assembly,” concludes David Aguado Teruel. “In my experience, Stadler is a company that has demonstrated in its projects its commitment to meeting deadlines and milestones. I would recommend Stadler for the construction, installation and commissioning of waste treatment plants.”

