The members unanimously approved James Stern, Global Business Development Manager for Healthcare at Albis, as new MPPE President.
"I am honoured to take over this important position from my predecessor Christian Meusinger from Nemera. He served as President for the last two years and on behalf of MPPE I would like to thank him for his great commitment," stated James Stern. "As new President of MPPE, I am looking forward to continuing our work in representing and highlighting the opinions and concerns of the healthcare industry as we engage together with European regulators to support pragmatic and practical implementation of either new, approved legislation or provide feedback on future proposed legislation in the healthcare space. Our primary role is to create a forum, without agenda, for engagement and communication, thereby ensuring the best possible outcome for all parties involved."
The GA was followed by the MPPE public conference to which around 35 experts from the plastics medical device and pharmaceutical packaging value chain in Europe were welcomed. The programme featured expert speakers from the European Commission, research and industry presenting the latest regulatory updates concerning the industry. The topics included updates on regulations and standards for the testing of plastics material, the SCHEER mandate for the guidelines on phthalates, nanomaterial definition, the interface between EU Chemicals Legislation and the new Medical Device Regulation, an update on Titanium Dioxide, and Horizon 2020 funding opportunities for polymer research on medical devices. The event was accompanied by interesting debates and networking sessions.
MedPharmPlast Europe is a sector group of EuPC created in 2014 by and for companies involved in the whole supply chain of plastic medical devices and pharmaceutical packaging in Europe.
Source: MedPharmPlast Europe