Located at Clariant’s largest manufacturing site, the CIC will benefit from the excellent infrastructure as well as industrial and academic links offered by the Rhein-Main region. The new facility covers a total surface area of 36,000 square meters and will house around 500 employees from R&D and supporting business and administrative functions. The modern, open-plan building was designed by Düsseldorf architects Hentrich-Petschnigg & Partner. It features a mix of open workspaces, offices and laboratories to foster the exchange of ideas among employees as well as with visiting partners from industry and academia.
To mark the occasion, Clariant is welcoming guests from the regional government, industry, academic institutions, and the local community. Clariant CEO Hariolf Kottmann, Executive Committee member Christian Kohlpaintner and Chief Technology Officer Martin Vollmer will provide insight into the future R&D areas of focus and individual market segments to be coordinated from the CIC.