“Building Tomorrow Together” at the K 2019

NOVA Chemicals: Investing in a Sustainable Future

NOVA Chemicals is driven to help shape a world where the plastic products vital to life are even better tomorrow than they are today. Part of striving to shape a better tomorrow is investing in real solutions and demonstrating leadership for the betterment of society, the environment and the economy.

To answer the growing need for a plastics circular economy and to reduce marine pollution, NOVA Chemicals has invested in global initiatives that are postioned to bring about meaningful, systemic and permanent solutions to get and keep plastics out of our coeans and the natural environment. In addition to becoming a Strategic Partner in Project STOP, NOVA Chemicals is a founding member of the Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW). Close to 30 companies have committed a combined $1 billion USD with a goal to deploy $1.5 billion (U.S.) in the first five years of the initiative to eliminate plastic waste in the environment. The AEPW has identified several initial projects, including partnering with cities to design integrated waste management systems, funding The Incubator Network by Circulate Capital and SecondMuse, and supporting Renewlogy’s Renew Ganga Project. Next month, Todd Karran, president and chief executive officer of NOVA Chemicals, will participate in the AEPW’s first face-to-face board meeting in New York City.

“As global citizens, we all share a role in shaping a better world. At NOVA Chemicals, we understand our role is to be a leader in innovation that enables our customers to deliver plastic products that make everyday life healthier, easier, safer,” stated Todd Karran. “We believe businesses like ours can be a positive catalyst for change to proactively address post-use challenges now associated with plastics use.”

Maurits van Tol. Pre-K 2019 kick-off in Linz

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