The most advanced materials recovery facility in the EU

Close collaboration key to a successful outcome and completion ahead of schedule

The successful outcome of such a unique and complex project lies on the remarkable reciprocal trust and close collaboration between Remeo, STADLER and ZenRobotics -  from the design phase right through to completion of the build and installation.

Nikolaus Hofmann explains: “The design phase of the project requires a lot of communication and iteration steps to find the best suitable solution. The close work between Remeo and STADLER was fantastic in defining all the specific requirements for the sorting process and the arrangement of the sorting equipment. The communication, information flow with ZenRobotics was also excellent, and enabled us to develop problem-free solutions.”

Mauri Lielahti  adds: “It is no secret that the pandemic has been a challenge to us all and it has added its own challenges to our project as well. We had to do the whole planning phase in online meetings. The process has required rigorous communication, but it has worked well. STADLER’s sales team has been involved all the time and we think it is one of the cornerstones for this project being such a success. We felt that there weren’t any gaps between sales and manufacturing teams, and in our experience, this guarantees a successful project.”

The construction process was complicated by the pandemic, beginning from getting the assembly team on site, as Nikolaus Hofmann explains: “they were required to quarantine after arriving in Finland and work in bubbles, but they did a great job!”  Logistics were also affected, so that “the coordination of all external suppliers and delivery of all aggregates to the site was a challenge. Some overd transports were delayed because of problems on the ferry. We had to improvise a lot and focus all our efforts to keep to the schedule.”

In spite of these difficulties, the project was completed three and a half months ahead of schedule. “This was a great achievement, particularly in the time of the pandemic,” says Juha Mieskonen. “The assembly and installation phase of the facility ran very smoothly: day-to-day operations were well-organized throughout the process. Communication between all three parties worked very well and contributed greatly to the successful completion of the facility.”      

Ballistic separators from Stadler at the Remeo. Photo by Esko Tuomisto

An important project on a European scale with a huge impact for Finnish waste management

Remeo’s MRF project is unique in Europe as it uses the latest technology and, thanks to its operation, material recovery will play a much greater role than energy recovery for the first time. The annual processing capacity of the facility is a 120,000 tonnes of construction waste and 60,000 tonnes of energy waste produced in commerce and industry. This waste is recycled into high-quality alternatives to virgin materials, giving the waste a new life and reducing the need for incineration.

Remeo MRF will cover more than 30 percent of all waste recycling needs in the Helsinki region in Finland. In doing so, this facility also removes the need to export the waste from Finland as the capacity to recycle waste domestically increases. Remeo’s facility offers effective recycling close to the place of origin of the waste, cutting transport emissions because of the short distances. Due to efficient recycling capabilities, Remeo is also helping its customers to meet the minimum 70 % recycling rate required by law.

The future of circular economy

Modern recycling infrastructure is crucial to enabling a speedy transition to a circular economy. The recycling industry is increasingly looking at advanced technologies to help deal with the constantly rising waste sorting requirements while increasing the top-line. Remeo’s MRF is a prime example of forerunner companies coming together to create effective and innovative solutions that pave the way for the future of waste management.  
