Business and educational exhibition program
The program of events within the Rosmould 2019 was very intensive and highly topical as never before: 2 conferences,1 forum, a round table and panel dsicussion, more than 70 Russian and foreign speakers and a technical tour!
The exhibition was opened by a panel discussion on the prospects for the application of additive technologies in various industries and the future of the plastics sector. The discussion was held by representatives of the VDMA AG AM, the organizers of the exhibition formnext (Germany) and the management of the company Moretto - a manufacturer of equipment for plastic processing. Participants emphasized the importance of the economic component in traditional and innovative production.
The exposition “Solutions of Additive Manufacturing” was supported by the Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Forum. More than 370 delegates get acquainted with sucessful cases of the leading companies which have integrated additive manufacturing in their production.
The project is growing fast and raise important topics of the industry. Forum is supported by formnext and have become the only one platform in Russia for the dialogue between Russian and European manufacturers.
Key market players took part in the Forum.
The FITNIK company became the Forum’s partner. They discussed development of additive manufacturing in Russia. Session “Foreign countries experience” combined almost all leaders of additive manufacturing in Europe: TRUMPF, Oerlikon, EOS, SLM Solutions, VDMA and Fraunhofer IPT and ACAM - Aachen Center for Additive Manufacturing, 3DCeram, SMS Group.

Russian manufacturers were represented by the companies Cybercom, HARZ Labs, Polema, AB Universal, Imprinta, Total Z, RUSAL, Additive Solutions and many others.
It is clear that additive technologies forum will become one of the main platforms for discussion the sore subjects in industry and concluding deals.
For the first time, Sergey Pushkin, the CEO of 3Dtoday - the top Russian Internet portal dedicated to AM, conducted a professional technical tour at the Additive Technologies Exposition. 52 specialists took part in the tour, enjoyed the exposition and found about practical details of additive manufacturing.
The Rosplast exposition was supported by the V International Conference on Industrial Design of Plastic Products "IDEAS. DESIGN. ITEMS"
Key topics of the conference:
- Modern industrial design: Experience of small-scale production of large and small-sized products by means of composite and modular tooling - 2 cases.
- Collaboration of industrial designer and design engineer for achieving a product zen.
- The complexity of the term “design”: system engineering or art?
- and many other topics
The stars of Russian and International industrial design presented their cases: Design Studio ART-AP, Art. Lebedev Studio, ON Limited (France), Pq Design Studio (Italy), Matricats (Spain), CSoft, Karfidov LAB Design Studio ”, LOGEEKS, Smirnov Design, and others.
For the second time, Technical conference "Injection Molding. Molds. Technologies. Equipment" was successfully held in the framework of Rosmould.
The conference features 2 sessions:
- 1. Molds and tools. Design, manufacture, maintenance.
- 2. Injection molding machines and auxiliary equipment.
Quality control, problem identification and solving.
The conference was attended by the leading manufacturers of injection molding equipment as well as by the manufacturers of goods produced by the means of injection molding. The experts in the molding industry shared their experience and practical cases: I.E. Goldberg, representatives of the companies DERREN LLC, T-Mold, STRACK NORMA, DMG MORI, SCHUELKEN FORM, CSoft JSC, Japanese Molding Machines, Europolymer Trading, AB Universal, GC Industrial Technologies and others.
For the first time, the exhibition included a round table of the enterprises of the Samara region with the participation of the Export Support Center of the Foundation Regional Center for Entrepreneurship Development of the Samara Region and the Russian Toolmakers Association, which presented a collective stand at the exhibition.
The Round Table was dedicated to the Measures of State support for export-oriented companies of the Samara region and Interaction of small tool enterprises in the framework of the Association of Toolmakers of Russia.
The members of the AIR Toolmakers Association took an active part in the round table: Freserform, Prototype LLC, Innovative Projects LLC, Tekhnostroy Plus LLC, Olesa RUS LLC, Samara University and others.
Source: Rosmould