Oerlemans Packaging strengthens its leadingposition by acquiring German eco-label

Oerlemans Packaging strengthens…

Packaging must be developed more sustainably and should be reused as much as possible. These thoughts have been in the core values of the Oerlemans Packaging Group since 1992. There are numerous milestones to be achieved on this roadmap towards sustainability. The latest one: acquiring the Blue Angel quality certificate from the esteemedGerman RAL institute for a range of products!

The filmCircuflex® is suitable for various applications, examples include potting soil bags and webshopbags. In order to qualify for the blue quality label, this film must meet strict criteria from raw materials up until the final end product. Blue Angel aims to get maximum re-use of all materials needed in the production process of the film.


Circuflex®is produced from at least 80% Post Consumer Recyclate (also with quality certificate EUCertPlast for raw materials) and can be flexoprinted easily. The raw materials used inCircuflex®are meeting high quality standards, including the absence of heavy metals andfluor- and chlorinated components. This film is qualified under the Environmental label 30A of the Blue Angel certificate.Other qualities or percentages are also possible. In that case the Circuflex® film is not qualified with above mentioned Blue Angel certificate.

Research and Development manager Rob van der Bruggen is excited with theachievement: “Blue Angel is widely known in the European market with many German brands affiliated with the eco-label. This is another important step in achieving the targets of the various Plastic Pacts in Europe by using high quality application of plastic recyclate!”

The intensions of the Blue Angel eco-label are to promote products with a high percentage of consumer waste recycled plastics. The requirements provide a high level of secure safety for consumers and the environment, due to the fact that usage and the concentration of undesirable substances is restricted. In conclusionOerlemans offers with this certified film:

  • reduced usage of finite raw materials through the use of consumer waste recycled plastics
  • restricting and control for the release of undesirable substances.

Blue Angel

For more than 40 years, BlueAngel has been the environmental label of the German Government to guide sustainable procurement. The certificate guarantees that certified products and services meet high standards regarding the environment, health and usage properties. The assessment always considers the entire life cycle. Specific ‘Blue Angel’ criteria are developed for each group of products. Products or services in each group must comply to these standards.

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