Certification: Training at Arburg gets treble thumbs up

Certification: Training at… Arburg training celebrated a threefold success in recent days: having obtained the LQW certificate after successfully completing "Learner-oriented Quality Certification in Continuing Education and Training" in January, the company passed the "DIN ISO 29990 - Quality Management Systems for Learning services for Non-formal Education and Training" inspection in February 2018. A further achievement was the "1A Excellent Training Company" seal of quality, which was awarded once again in autumn 2017 by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) for the Northern Black Forest region. This makes Arburg the first company in Baden-Württemberg to receive three awards for its outstanding training services.

"The three awards are a great success for our training organisation, which is unrivalled by any other company in Baden-Württemberg," said a delighted Renate Keinath, who is responsible for Human Resources Management in her role as Managing Partner. "They underscore the high value that training has always had for us." "Moreover, they prove to the outside world that we are a company that provides an above-average standard of training, where people can learn very effectively for later life," adds Georg Anzer, Director of Human Resources Management. The two speakers thanked the Head of Training, Michael Vieth and his team for the implementing the demanding groundwork required for certification.

Benefits of ISO 29990: guidelines, interdisciplinary training and personnel management

The certification process according to DIN ISO 29990:2010 is concerned with the structuring of quality-related overall processes, as well as their safeguarding and documentation. "After LQW, ISO certification was the next logical step for us on the way to fully-qualified training activities," explains Michael Vieth. "It was important for us to receive a list of requirements from the certification body, TÜV Süd. That's because this gives us new ideas for our work in Training."

The success of ISO certification is confirmed by the final result: Arburg Training achieved 92 out of a possible 100 points. The auditors were particularly positive about three aspects: The first is the comprehensive training policy with defined training objectives, which all trainees and Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) students receive at Arburg at the beginning of their training. The second is the interdisciplinary approach to training, which also offers trainees in the commercial professions insights into the shop floor. In other words: commercial staff at Arburg can thus also be found at the workbench. The third aspect was the area of human resources management, where a methodical approach ensures that the instructor's skills are further developed and continuously adapted to new requirements.

Quality handbook ensures greater efficiency

The quality handbook required to meet the ISO standard is divided into two major chapters - Learning services and Management. Its contents are then checked by the auditor during his visit to the site. All the necessary processes are documented in detail in the handbook to make the structure of the training department transparent. Consequently, determination of the learning needs, the design and execution of the training courses, as well as the review of the activities relating to training are clearly and comprehensibly regulated.
