New SCPS Light Moulds for single component parts

New SCPS Light Moulds for… Processing outside the mould with neutral cycle times – that is the unrivalled advantage of the new SCPS Light Mould technology. For example, assembling and cooling can be done outside the mould. Owing to their special type of construction, SCPS Light injection moulds are virtually no bigger than standard moulds and so fit into every standard injection moulding machine.

A spin-off from the patented and highly successful multi-component paternoster moulds, Zahoransky Formenbau developed the SCPS Light system specially for single component parts. Outside the mould inserts or metal parts can be loaded into cassettes and fed to the injection mould and the finished mouldings can be removed without any loss of cycle times. Instead of assembly work or inserting metal parts, the external station can also be used to cool the mouldings. The benefit of "outsourcing" operating steps outside the mould is a substantial reduction in the cycle time.

SCPS Light

The SCPS Flex is an advance development of the moulds. They feature several stations to outsource external processes. The first station is serving to insert metal parts, for example. After removal, the pre-moulded parts can be cooled in the second station throughout the whole machine cycle and processed further, like printed, for example. The next step involves finishing the parts and taking them to station three where they are removed using a robot. This flexible and modular system can be easily enlarged and extended by further stations.


Every movement in the mould is made with servo drives with ultimate positioning accuracy and totally independent from the hydraulics of the injection mould.

The integrated control solution developed in-house ensures that the moulds operate independent from the sequential run of the machine. The Zahoransky control communicates with the injection mould via a Euromap interface. All mould-dependent commands including the activation of all servo axes come from its own control.

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Mould 67