Gneuss unveils its plans for K fairs

Thanks to this design, the devolatilizing performance is approx. fifty times greater than that of a conventional single screw extruder – and this at a vacuum of only 25 to 40 mbar. By avoiding the need for a high vacuum system and pre-drying, the MRS is an extremely economically efficient alternative to conventional technologies. Further arguments in its favor are the simple and rugged design, small footprint and flexibility. These are advantages which convince not only PET processors.

In addition to the excellent devolatilizing performance, the MRS also offers excellent decontamination performance. Manufacturers can process e.g. up to 100 % PET bottle flake into end products for food contact (FDA LNO). This is achieved without the need for any treatment of the material before or after it is processed on the extruder (no restrictions on the washing process, no drying, no crystallizing etc.).

Gneuss Multi Rotation System MRS 130

An explosion of new Rotary Filtration System models

This is the first time that Gneuss will present such a variety of new filter models at a show. All these new models result from a long-term development initiative. The new models of fully-automatic, process-constant and pressure-constant Rotary Filtration Systems RSFgenius and SFXmagnus offer all technical advantages of high-performance filtration systems with a highly economic, innovative combination of the drive and self-cleaning concept.

The RSFgenius M was especially designed for highly contaminated materials, such as in recycling processes, and it can cope with an increased throughput rate (25% higher compared with the standard series). The innovative synchronization of the drive and back-flushing concept of the self-cleaning RSFgenius Rotary Filter drastically reduces the quantity of material lost through back-flushing and represents a further optimization of the unique self-cleaning technology.

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Machines 589