Red Zone Laser - red security zone

No. 104437
Type of offer::
not specified
Valid for:
The offer has expired

DNT Safety Sp. z o.o.
Name and surname:
Leszek Caputa

Red Zone Laser - red safety zone for forklifts

What is the RED ZONE laser used for?

We use the Red Zone laser to avoid pedestrian accidents, keeping them at a safe distance from the forklift's work area.

The Red Zone Laser puts a bright red line on the floor to display the "safe distance" area, thereby increasing safety awareness and reminding pedestrians to consider the appropriate distance between them and working forklifts. This zone can also be called the Halo zone and can be adapted to any preferred parameter. This helps to prevent foot injuries and collisions, and to show an area that is dangerous around any mobile device.

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