JK-5 clamping machine

No. 9429
Type of offer::
not specified
Valid for:
20 days

ScanPack S.J.
Name and surname:
Dariusz Dudziak
Machine JK-5 - automatic strapping is a typical budget device. Polypropylene straps with a width between 5 mm and 12 mm can be used for fastening packages. The JK-5 has a service mode so we can follow the locking sequence step by step, find the cause of the breakdown and eliminate it without a service technician.
Taśmy bandujące, napinacze do taśm, maszyny

Logistics, Overprints, Films, Tapes, Packaging, Packaging machines, Plastic welders, Profiles, corners, Sorbents

Polska, 63-500 Ostrzeszów, Św. Mikołaja 25 E
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