AQ-7 packaging machine

No. 9193
Type of offer::
not specified
Valid for:
19 days

ScanPack S.J.
Name and surname:
Dariusz Dudziak
The AQ-7 packaging machine is a cheaper version of the RQ-8 packaging machine, with its perfect, reliable 5mm and 6mm tape operation. For such a narrow tape, a new frame has been developed that ensures precise guidance and reliability while reducing the loss of tape used.
Taśmy bandujące, napinacze do taśm, maszyny

Logistics, Overprints, Films, Tapes, Packaging, Packaging machines, Plastic welders, Profiles, corners, Sorbents

Polska, 63-500 Ostrzeszów, Św. Mikołaja 25 E
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