News Plastech

Pragmatic solutions for fight against COVID-19

Pragmatic solutions for fight against COVID-19

In a recent roundtable, Nanofabrica invited interested parties to discuss ways in which its one-micron resolution additive manufacturing technology (with a 5 x 5 x 10 cm build volume) could be harnessed to create speedy, innovative devices to work against COVID 19.

The plastic industry paving the way for rebound

The plastic industry paving the way for rebound

The Chinese industries have been normalizing operations as the spread of the coronavirus was slowing down. Indeed, the plastics industry, among others, has to stay positive and prepare for the expected market rebound after the epidemic.

Arburg Technology Days 2020 cancelled

Arburg Technology Days 2020 cancelled

In view of current developments regarding the Coronavirus, Arburg management decided on February 26th to cancel the International Technology Days from March 11th to 14th, 2020, in Lossburg.
