Startup of Arkema’s Kynar fluoropolymer capacity increase in China

Startup of Arkema’s Kynar… Arkema has brought on stream, several weeks ahead of schedule, the 50% increase in its fluorinated polymer production capacity at its Changshu site announced early 2011.

This new capacity will enable the Group to consolidate its leading position in this high added value product line which offers significant growth prospects. Arkema now has major production capabilities for Kynar PVDF on the three continents of Europe, North America and Asia, and so will be able to accommodate the growth of its customers around the world.

Based in Changshu, the new line dedicated to the production of Kynar® and its VF2 (vinylidene fluoride) monomer will bolster the Group’s presence in emerging countries, while sustaining its development in fast growing specialty products.

These new capacities will enable the Group to better meet global demand for PVDF, both in traditional markets such as coatings, chemical engineering and offshore oil extraction currently experiencing strong growth, and in emerging applications like water treatment, lithium-ion batteries, and photovoltaic panels.

Thus Arkema, the world leader in PVDF, is well placed to accommodate the growth of its customers ever more effectively by offering top quality and proximity service as well as a global offering in the United States with the Calvert City site, in Europe with the Pierre-Bénite site where a 50% capacity increase has also been announced, and now in China with the Changshu site.

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