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Auxiliaries for plastic processing

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Producent maszyn i urządzeń do recyklingu:

Containers, Mills, cruschers, Lines for mechanical recycling, Machine services, Water treatment

Producent maszyn i systemów z zakresu gospodarki

Belt conveyors, Mills, cruschers, Compactors, Lines for mechanical recycling, Material sorting equipment

Rozdrabnicze, brykieciarki i młyny do tworzyw

Mills, cruschers, Lines for mechanical recycling, Separators, Material conveyors, Plastics compactors

Zakup oraz sprzedaż wtryskarek i rozdmuchiwarek

Injection moulding machines, Machines for stetch blow molding, Injection blowing machines, Other, Robots and Manipulators

Systemy gorącokanałowe dla branży przetwórstwa

Injection moulds, Temperature regulators, Hot runner and process control systems
